Sunday, 28 May 2017

Update from the Emerald Isle

So I have been in Ireland for about 10 months now. Time flies! Especially crazy considering I only have 5 months left. I have been here for twice the amount of time that's left! 
Anyway, I have taken a few trips since I wrote last and other than that I have just been exploring new places in Galway! It's always fun to explore places right on your back door that you didn't know existed till now! Amongst all this I also managed to finish exams (phew!) with only a couple of break downs. This means I just have my dissertation to write now!

The trips I have taken were to Amsterdam and Budapest. I visited some friends from home in Amsterdam who were at the end of their Europe trip. It was nice to catch up with them and relax in that beautiful city.

I went to Budapest with a friend from home who was visiting me in Galway. It was a very cool city we enjoyed a couple of 
days of sun and explored the baths as well as all the usual sights around the city. A very relaxed and cheap city!

Other than that I have started cycling again. Mum always said that the pavement hurts regardless of the country... This doesn't apply in Galway apparently

And that has lead to the exploration of more places such as here

And here

And of course a touch of geocaching!

Heck, we even had w hole 5 day long irish summer!! Apparently I got a tan but the Irish and NZ definition of tan may differ slightly! 

Anyway that's me, summer is approaching which means I can work full time so it's time to work and get saving to fund my travels back to NZ!

Love and peace